Henning Physical Therapy Clinic

Filling a critical need for physical therapy services in rural Minnesota, Astera Health’s Henning Physical Therapy Clinic, a direct-access facility, offers a comprehensive list of services for both young and elderly patients alike.

We’re excited to offer open scheduling at the Henning PT Clinic. Schedule your appointment below.

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Henning Physical Therapy Clinic

The Astera Health Henning Physical Therapy Clinic has served patients in Douglas, Otter Tail, Todd, and Wadena counties since 2014. Conveniently located in Henning, we offer a comprehensive list of services for both young and elderly patients alike.

Physical therapy services are provided on an outpatient basis at the Henning Physical Therapy Clinic. If you are looking for a professional, first-class experience close to home, ask your provider about rehabilitation services from Astera in Henning.

Grant Haugen, PT, DPT


Astera Health – Henning Physical Therapy Clinic

Phone: 218-548-5580

Clinic Hours:
Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.