Car Seat Safety

Once you’ve welcomed your little one into the world, you will eventually leave the hospital and head for home. That means you need to prioritize safety and have them travel in an infant car seat. All states in the U.S. require children to be properly buckled as they travel by car.

The Importance of Child Safety Seats

With more cars on the road than ever before and people driving faster for longer distances, the roads have become more dangerous than they were just a decade ago. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there’s a reduction of 67% in the risks of serious injuries if using a safety seat correctly. Because your child has a still-developing brain and spinal cord, they’re much more vulnerable to crashes. Not only are their organs not as protected, but a baby’s skeleton is composed of cartilage that has yet to turn into bone. With all these factors combined, a potential car crash is especially dangerous for your infant, making a car seat all the more important.


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Incorrect Use of Car Seats

Many people think buying any car seat is good enough, but nothing could be further from the truth. Some common mistakes include:

Many of these mistakes are well-intentioned; often, parents think that having a car seat, even one that’s not properly fitted, is better than not having one at all. This is true to an extent, but these common errors create serious safety risks that could endanger your infant’s or toddler’s life. This is why it’s important to be aware of and follow the most important guidelines when it comes to car seats.