Headwaters High Value Network

The Headwaters High-Value Network (HVV) formed as a way to enable rural healthcare providers to collaborate on clinical and operational initiatives, ensuring the availability, affordability, and quality of care in rural communities.

About Headwaters HVN

The Headwaters HVN is a collaboration of 19 independent rural Minnesota hospitals working together on clinical and business initiatives to strengthen healthcare in rural communities across the state. The centerpiece of the collaboration is a clinically integrated network that will provide coordinated care to more than 750,000 people in Minnesota. The network also will set up operational collaborations designed to control costs and spread best practices among its members.

A Collective Future

Many of the toughest challenges in healthcare have pushed hospitals and physician groups to combine into larger health systems, because economies of size and scale are crucial to building the capabilities needed to meet these challenges. 

While recognizing the role of larger health systems, people in many rural communities want to preserve their local hospital’s dedicated focus on serving the needs of patients and providers in their community.  

Headwaters helps our members gain the benefits of size and scale without giving up the ability to tailor decisions to the needs of their local communities. 

Local Impact

By working together with other independent rural hospitals, we will pool our clinical and business know-how to ensure continued access to high-quality care that strengthens the vitality of our community. These efforts will improve care coordination, support medical practitioners and promote more efficient operations. 

 As the collaboration deepens among members, the Headwaters network will be a strong partner with payers on value-based insurance products that improve quality, reduce cost, and enhance patient and provider experience. 

Future Financial Impact

Astera Health knows the price of healthcare is an ongoing challenge. While joining Headwaters has no immediate impact on our contracts with health insurers. As the collaboration deepens among members, the Headwaters network will be a strong partner with insurers on value-based insurance products that improve quality, reduce cost, and enhance patient and provider experience.