Online Nursery

We hope you enjoy our little rock stars as much as we do! Astera’s Online Nursery is updated weekly, and newborns will remain on the site in an archived list.

Walker Toran

Parents: Hailey and Ryan
Grandparents: Jack and Judy; Jane, Brenda

Marshall Mark

Parents: Melissa and Brandon
Grandparents: Mark and Susan; Greg and Jan

Korbyn Ann

Parents: Taylor and Brandon
Grandparents: Brent and Naomi; Tim and Karla; Melissa

Bristol Kay

Parents: Carly and Dalton

Acarie Malikai

Parents: Kaylee and DeShaude
Grandparents: Kim and David; Douglas

Kaylee Faye Mary

Parents: Kayela and Daniel
Grandparents: Kevin and Kris; Mary
Siblings: McKenna and Kinsley

Anaya Ann

Parents: Michele and Edwin

Hyacinthe Xander

Parents: Matilda and Matthew
Grandparents: Davin and Diane; Lynne; Roy; Todd
Siblings: Fox

Asa James

Parents: Leila and Charles
Grandparents: Victor and Lola; Daniel and Anne
Siblings: Rafe, Everett, Quinn, Urho, Bridget, Gail, Winifred