Online Nursery

We hope you enjoy our little rock stars as much as we do! Astera’s Online Nursery is updated weekly, and newborns will remain on the site in an archived list.

Greta Ann

6 pounds, 12 ounces
20 inches
Delivered by: Julie Meyer, MD
Parents: Heather and Ryan
Grandparents: Dennis and Judy; Shawn and Anji; Darin and Lisa
Siblings: Mara

Ida Irene

6 pounds, 6 ounces
19 inches
Delivered by: Bobbie Adams, MD
Parents: Kaija and Cody
Grandparents: Mike and Patty; David; and Sybil
Siblings: Leo and Esme

Canah Ruth

7 pounds, 13 ounces
21 inches
Delivered by: Julie Meyer, MD
Parents: Madison and Jorah
Grandparents: Terha and DJ; and Rhonda
Siblings: Ezrah

Luke James

8 pounds, 7 ounces
20 inches
Delivered by: Bobbie Adams, MD
Parents: Mikaela and Adam
Grandparents: Rick and Diana; Denise; Sue; and Bette

Edward John Jr.

7 pounds, 12 ounces
19 inches
Delivered by: Hala Madi, MD, OB/GYN
Parents: Jennifer and Edward
Grandparents: Bruce and Kim; Howard and Tammy; and Susan
Siblings: Jace, Lillian, Jayden, Logan, Lelan, Izabella, Bentley and Nevaeh

Blake Ronald

6 pounds, 7.5 ounces
20.25 inches
Delivered by: Bobbi Adams, MD
Parents: Katelyn and Ryan
Grandparents: Gary & Tammy; Geraldine; and Janice

Warren John

8 pounds, 13 ounces
20.5 inches
Delivered by: Shaneen Schmidt, MD
Parents: Bethany and Jesse
Grandparents: Charlie and Mary; and Matt and Stacey
Siblings: Emery, Hayden, Sutton and Lennox

Noah James

7 pounds, 4 ounces
20.5 inches
Delivered by: Laura DuChene, MD
Parents: Kendra and Ryan
Grandparents: Tony and Terry; Chris and Jim

Elinor Margaret

8 pounds, 15 ounces
20.5 inches
Delivered by: Dawn Dahlgren-Roemmich, CNM
Parents: Andrea and Loren Haverinen
Grandparents: MaryAnn Haverinen; Brian and Margaret Helminen
Siblings: Rodney, Darryl and Corinna